Monday 29 July 2013

A Good Facilitator Adds Value to Your Focus Group

Launching a brand new product in the market is no cakewalk. As a business professional, you need to make huge investments for introducing a product to your customers. A major portion of your investment goes for research and development. If your product launch goes well, then it earns you good money; but what if things don’t turn out to be as expected? Well, in that case your company’s finances goes at a complete toss! This is one of the possible reasons why most companies bring in the concept of a focus group.
After all, from the views and opinion shared in the focus group, you will come to know what notion your customers have about a particular product. Depending upon their opinions, you can modify your product accordingly and then launch it in a new way. This increases the chances of making your product a sure success.
Choosing the right facilitator for your focus group
Bear in mind that your job doesn’t end after you have created a focus group. Instead, you need to look for a reliable facilitator who would lead the discussion. A focus group can be defined as a qualitative research platform wherein consumers matching certain criteria set by your company, share their views and opinions about a specific product or service.
It is the facilitator who takes up the charge of interviewing the participants. Ideally, in a focus group, the participants are allowed to share their views freely. The interactions and conversations made in the focus groups will give you an idea about how your consumers feel about a proposed product or service.
How the facilitator works?
Once you appoint a facilitator, he or she should start planning the event properly and effectively. To plan the event, he needs to identify the target market and objective of your business. Next, the facilitator should select the participants and location that are in compliance with the target market and objectives.
After the successful completion of the planning job, he needs to conduct the focus group and ensure that all the conversations and opinions are recorded. He should also ensure that every participant gets an opportunity to speak. Lastly, based on the discussion he should prepare a summary and submit it to the company. After all, it is this summary that will help you know whether the proposed product or service is fit for your customers or some modifications are still required. Hence, choosing a good facilitator is of utmost importance if you want to come up with a successful product in near future.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Online Focus Groups – An Advanced Approach to Gathering of Information

Qualitative methods of research as adopted by the research scholars to gather information greatly vary. This is because the research participants come from different backgrounds and choose the method according to what they actually need for their research work. Previously, the research scholars from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds were asked to meet at a common venue. They were encouraged to talk about a certain topic, idea, product, person or service and guided by a facilitator throughout the discussion. 

These days, such an idea has become almost obsolete. Advancement in technology has enabled the individuals to exchange their ideas, participate into group discussion without going out. Several portals are available on the internet to facilitate such kind of meeting. Online web cam or several chat applications on Yahoo, Skype, Google etc allow every member of the selected online focus groups to discuss about or argue on a particular subject matter or seek suggestions on a particular topic. What they are required to do is to switch on their computer or smartphone and participate into chatting through a designated chat room they are a member of. 

There are several smart ways to share views and thoughts among themselves and also with the facilitator. One most popular method is to assign the message or online bulletin to the group. It can remind you of online forum. However, there are two major differences not to overlook that online focus groups have limited number of participants and the subject matters of discussions are more controlled. 

Online discussion is no less effective than what the researchers could gather from the old model of knowledge sharing at a certain place of meeting. Online environment is a virtual model that imitates the style of face-to-face meeting without requiring anybody to meet at a common place. The members are allowed to ask questions and discuss on a topic pertaining to the ambit of their research work at the comfort of their home. Usually, these group discussions are extended to or go on the most popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. It benefits the members of the research groups as they can get more varied reactions on these social media platforms. 

It is possible to use the social networking sites as a public bulletin, especially when a certain topic gets much popular, thereby inviting others to put their view about it. Some choose to argue whereas others just describe their viewpoint. Inputs and arguments as put forwarded by the public have a significant effect on the discussion, decision and opinion of the focus groups regarding a certain topic.

Monday 6 May 2013

Understanding Online Focus Groups

There are variations in methodical approach towards qualitative research as the researchers come from different backgrounds. The methods they adopt depend on what they actually require to gather information.
Previously, the most popular method for research purpose was to form a group. The group members were usually from diverse ethical and cultural backgrounds which worked as a motivating factor for the participants to converse about a particular subject or a social issue. They used to swap their views regarding a theme or a product or a trend, thereby enriching their knowledge. They used to meet at a common venue and had a facilitator to guide them throughout the discussion and argument over a certain issue.
Nowadays, with advancement in technology, these meeting can be usually conducted through internet, thereby relieving the participants from adjusting time and meeting at a certain place. You can be a member of an online focus group via a webcam and through Yahoo, Skype and Google Chat etc. As a member of the focus group, you are just required to turn on your computer or smartphone, come online and enter the particular chat room. There are multiple ways that allow the participants to share their views among themselves and forward the same towards the facilitator. The most popular method of sharing views is to use an online bulletin assigned to the particular group he/she is a member of. It is like the group forum, however, the difference is there are a few participants and the subject matter of discussion is more controlled.
Online focus group is sort of face-to-face discussion which was most common in the past. Members are allowed to ask questions and argue over a certain issue pertaining to their studies within the comfort of their home. Sometimes, group discussions are extended to the most popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. and help the researchers get different reactions from the participants.
Social networking sites, if intelligently used, can be a very good public bulletin. This is because, a certain theme might invite attention of most of the users and they will feel encouraged to comment on it. They might put in their argument or demonstrate why they agree or not to a certain view. They can share their opinions regarding a certain issue or topic with others in their group. This helps the researchers to feel the pulse of the common public and understand their view regarding certain topics.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Consider Focus Groups Investigation For Business Success

Focus groups are vital for any effective marketing strategy that adopts such flexibility for gathering feedback from consumers, customers, and employees to understand the business flow. Well, if you look deeply then you can realize it that picking up feedbacks is certainly important for business growth because that really shows how things are going on the business which then if necessary, modified in favor of company’s growth. Well, the role of the focus group is to research, record, and study people's perceptions, feelings and thoughts to know people’s behavior or say reaction about certain products or services or even anything that relate to business.

Well, undoubtedly the role of focus groups is in favor of development cycle to guide the business flow or alteration of products or services if necessary. Well, in over all consideration the importance of a focus group is very significant that plays a vital part in company’s growth toward success. So friend, if you are one of those a businessperson expecting to record the reaction of people about your products or service or workflow or any other things then you should need to seek supports from focus groups to understand your business strategy by rectifying the errors in business flow accordingly.

For your brief knowledge, these days’ focus groups are widely available online.  If you are certainly seeking for focus groups online support then you can prefer logging into one of the leading agency called E-Focus Groups ( for your support.

Well, “E-Focus Groups” is the leading and highly experienced team in the filed of qualitative market research. Hence, if you are certainly looking for such kinds of support to make a research about your company, then hire E-Focus Groups for your support.

According its official website, E-Focus Groups offers solutions for all your market research needs and has more than 20 years experience in wide range of sections including consumer products, advertising, pharmaceuticals, e-commerce, computer hardware, computer software, telecommunications, and banking, among others. 

So if you realize for conducing investigation by focus groups online then try login into for your market research needs. Well as earlier, the focus group is mainly responsible for collecting information from consumers, customers, and employees to understand the company stability for making changes accordingly in the favor of company’s growth. So this is the vital point of every successful marketing strategy as they take special measures to consider what their consumers, customers, or employees think about the services or products and how far the changes can be applied so that the business will raise its productivity more certainly.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Hire Focus Groups To Make Research For Company’s Growth

In this competitive world, it is very significant that an entrepreneur should research and investigate to analyze what his customers and employees have views about the company and its workflow. Well, certainly these things are vital for an organization, because these really help an organization to gather such information to make improvements in their work process to increase the productivity and customer satisfaction.

For your brief knowledge – such type of research is an enhanced process requires you to have support from focus groups to make it accomplish for you in behalf. The role of the focus group goes by carrying some sort of questions, which specifically gather the information by the effective survey about the service or say products for making it even better and superior so that the company will lead the way conquering others in competition. So friend, if you are an entrepreneur running your own company then you should focus arranging focus groups to carry your research about new design, concept, and ideas so that you can practice such things to motivate your work flow and productivity.

Well, as said the role of the focus group is very vital and the emergence of such extent should be adopted by every organization for giving their business a push to lead the path. So what are you waiting for? If you are one of those looking for your company’s growth then consult with focus groups to convey a survey to give better understanding of things, which need to be altered or improvised so that the organization can fulfill its business objectives.

For you brief knowledge – there many focus group teams are widely available to support you better. You can even hire them online as well to conduct survey online. Well, certainly speaking there is no difference between focus groups and online focus groups, they both are same, but the only thing that differs is – the online focus groups survey online rather than offline mode. So if you have decided to consult with online focus groups, then try looking for the experienced focus groups to make a quality research for the improvements.

Well, is one of the leading online focus groups, having experience in market research since years. You can hire them for your market research needs and can carry your company or say, organization up.